Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Webster's synonyms for neglect:  disregard, ignore, overlook, slight, forget.  Yeah.... you could say this blog has been neglected!  I won't go into the reasons, but I've got some.  Now that some of those reasons have resolved themselves (anyone have a way to resolve "busy-ness?") I plan on writing here again.  Some topics I have brewing.

*My kids' birth stories.  Amy did such an awesome job with her boys' c-section stories!  And her c-section & VBAC experiences were so different than mine, I feel inspired write down my stories.  (Before I forget them!)

*A quick potty training update.  Because I didn't leave that one at a very good place.

*House hunting news.  YES!  Because *knock on wood* *fingers crossed* the old house is almost sold!

*Pictures.  I have lots of new ones to share.  These kids are growing like weeds.  (If you count a 27.2 lb three year old and a 26 lb 21 month old "growing" -- which I totally do!)

*Running.  Yes, I've been running...  It's quite a challenge for me.

Until later!!!

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