I really wish I would've started training at the time I agreed to the race in June. My plan, at that time, was to start training immediately and to run in the evening, after everyone else went to bed. I'm always up late, really late, so running at 9pm wouldn't be a big deal. Except I didn't do it. At all... Like, not even once.
I needed a new plan. Mornings were not an option.
#1 I am not a morning person (see above- up really late at night.)
#2 The Hubs gets up before the Butt-Crack-of-Dawn. (Seriously.) So running before he goes to work is not an option, unless I wanted to run at 4am.
So I started running during/right after dinner. I'd make dinner, get ready to run, get the Hubs & kiddos eating, then take off. Not really my favorite, since I was missing Family Dinner Time. And it's dark out in the Fall in PA. But. It works.
Before running the Western Reserve Half Marathon
The finish line is in sight!
The half marathon ended up turning into a quarter marathon- we only did one lap, instead of two- and I barely made it through that. Seriously. Three weeks before the race, I got The Plague, so training came to a halt (and during the race, an inhaler that the doctor prescribed was needed to stop an asthma-like attack.) There were Female Problems (yeah... I won't elaborate.) The road was sloped, and my hips revolted and did NOT like it one bit. It was a struggle for me, but my sisters helped me through! They were awesome! (Hubs claims he's going to make me a "6.05" sticker to put on the back of my vehicle.) I cried (bawled) when it was over. Out of disappointment. Out of relief.
After that race I kinda stopped running for a bit. I was discouraged. Then The Youngest decided she needed another goal, to keep her running. A new race! An attainable distance! At the local park next to mom & dad's house! Flat terrain! Surprisingly, I agreed. Eagerly, almost. I was so excited for this race. Why? I don't know. Redemption, perhaps.
I started running again in mid-December and discovered that I love outside winter running. No sweat dripping everywhere. No dogs outside to chase you. I don't even listen to music anymore because I'm concentrating on my steps so I don't slip on the snow & ice. I KNOW! It sounds like insanity, but I love it.
So, at the end of January, The Youngest and I ran the Chilly Cheeks Five Mile Challenge. The Middle Sister didn't join us because of an awful snow storm the night before. Yeah... I said an awful snow storm the night before the race! The course had some ice, but nothing I hadn't dealt with before. There was only one hill, and if you know where I live, a hill is not a big deal... but the downhill part of the was on the sledding hill of the park. That means they didn't plow that portion of the race. We had orange painted lines in the snow to follow, and a path of others before us. It was fun! I felt great! Hallelujah! Redemption! We finished 2 seconds under our goal time. We had fun. There were no problems along the way. It was just what I needed!
Before running The Chilly Cheeks Five Mile Challenge
(The Youngest sent me my "girls kick butt" headband after our previous race. She said she was proud of me for pushing through and finishing what I had said I was going to do. She probably thought I was going to die, and was impressed when I didn't.)
(The Youngest sent me my "girls kick butt" headband after our previous race. She said she was proud of me for pushing through and finishing what I had said I was going to do. She probably thought I was going to die, and was impressed when I didn't.)
Now I don't have a race to work towards, but I am still running. There are plenty of 5K races available in the spring, and I am going to be ready! I am excited to find another one that I can run with my sisters!
All that to say. I bought new running shoes when we started this whole process. They are pink. I am NOT a fan of the color pink. I tried not to buy them. I looked and looked for other shoes. But the gods of running have cursed me, and every super comfortable item of running clothing that I find, the only color available in my size is pink. Pink. Not cool.