Thursday, May 19, 2011


Potty Training, Day 3. 

Since we started Miss B potty training on Monday morning, we've been here at home, watching a lot of movies.  (I know, I know...  I hate it.)  And we've had her little potty in the living room, so she doesn't really "miss" anything, if she goes.  (I'm using every advantage I can right now.)  I think maybe tomorrow we'll move the potty to the bathroom and she'll have to go into the bathroom in order to go.  You know, like a normal, socially acceptable person. 

Then there's the fact that she's hasn't gone #2 since Sunday.  (She usually goes #2, two or three times per day.  Yes.  Seriously.)  So I imagine she was ready to explode.  She went #2 in her little potty twice this morning, and then she had a #2 accident in her pants (too busy playing with trains to stop and go.)  When she went in the potty, it was disgusting b/c I had to clean the potty out.  (Worse.than.diapers.)  And then I had to clean up the mess that was made in the training pants.  Those suckers are over $2 a piece, so I'm not going to just throw them away!!!  And we don't have a utility sink in the basement anymore, so I had to use my kitchen sink, which disgusted me so I Cloroxed the kitchen sink after I cleaned up the mess.

And then two more pee accidents after that.  But at least the new Gerber training pants are doing what they are supposed to do and are absorbing the pee accidents.  There literally were no "puddles" to deal with today. 

This is such a hassle.  She's petite... she'd fit into Pampers for at least two more years....  Right?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Shock and Awe

Potty Training, Day 1. 

I figured, a week of forecasted rain, we have non-essential plans one day this week (Tuesday, library story time.)  I might as well jump in with two feet.  Of course, I decided this at 8am this morning.  (WHY do I always make these Big Change Decisions at the last minute!?!?!)

She did great!  I'm shocked.  I shouldn't be- she's always been pretty adaptable, and never gotten riled up about big changes.  Moving, new brother, nothing has ever phased her much.  (We'll see how moving out of the crib and losing the paci go....)  But for now, why should potty training be any different!?!? 

Today we had about 20 attempts (my fault and not needed,) 5 successful pees, 0 successful poops, and 0 accidents!  I have to admit, the no #2's has me a little worried- that's not like her at all...  She usually goes #2 several times per day, unless we are out and about, and then she'll usually wait until we get home, and then explode.

At first, I was setting a timer for every fifteen minutes, taking the undies off, sitting on the potty and trying.  Then after she went twice this morning, both were in between the timed "try times" when she looked at me, took off the undies, sat down, waited, and then went.  I decided that my timer and making her sit was not working or even necessary.  To be fair, it was a very low-key day.  We watched a lot of movies and her little potty was in the living room, so she didn't have to miss out on much when she did go.     

But I'm so encouraged, and I'm thinking maybe* we'll try Library Story Time tomorrow.  It's a risk....

*I already have an extra outfit packed.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I keep saying things like, "After this weekend."  Or "After Easter."  And now, "After our trip to Michigan."  But in reality, I don't want to do it at all!  I'm scared. 

Potty Training. 

It's staring at me with its horrible eyes.  I don't wanna look back.  I'm not ready. 

Parenting books, magazines, websites will all rattle off the signs of when your child is ready to be potty trained.  They always forget to mention is the fortitude, determination, and willingness needed by the parents.  Oh yeah, and all those "signs from the child."  Miss B has shown exactly none of those.  As a matter of fact, she's been very resistant to potty training!  And I'm kind of okay with that so far.  But the time is coming.  She's two and a half- she'll be three in July.  My time is coming where I can't stall anymore and it's not going to be socially acceptable for my girl to poop in her pants.  One of these days Mama is going to have to put on her big girl panties, and...  well....  put on the big girl panties. 

In the meantime, I won't take the portability of my children for granted!