Friday, January 14, 2011

Coming Out

I like to stay in the background.  Not draw attention to myself.  Stay under the radar.  I don't like to give my opinion on something unless it's something that I am VERY passionate about OR I am an expert.  (Ironic for someone who has a blog and reads lots of blogs...)  But it's time for me to go comment about ten different places today.  After all, I'd like others to let me know that they are here! 

Happy Delurking Day!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Out of The Mouth of My Babe...

These were all this morning before even lunchtime:

"Mommy, I need a pointy tail in my hair."

"I'm getting the rectangles out of my hair." while using a comb. I guess the word "tangles" is short for "rectangles?" :)

"Just shooting the shit...." She was just repeating what her father had just said. It was SO hard not to laugh at that one. But we just ignored it and she let it go....